Study Skills (UED102)


Student ID : 2019202138

Course Code: CS 110

Class code : CS1101D

Prepared for :

Assalamualaikum and hello, my name is Tuan Shafirul Fikri Bin Tuan Saiful Bahari from class CS1101D. I am 18 years old. I was born in Kuala Kangsar, Perak and lived there until I'm 18 years old. I was an ex student of SMK Simpang Beluru which is my secondary school but currently i managed to continued my education at UiTM Tapah, Perak. I'm not gonna lie, I'm quite surprised how beautiful this place is. I managed to captured some picture which are include in this blog.

Pictures of UiTM Tapah :

But my purpose of making this portfolio is was to introduce to the new student what is UED 102. UED 102 provides every student with learning styles, setting up goals, and many more. Our UED 102 is constructed by Madam Khairulliza binti Ahmad Salleh and Mr Zaaba bin Ahmad. 


Item :
  1. Learning style inventory.
  2. Characteristic of a successful students.
  3. Goal statements (settings, 5 steps to approach, characteristic).
  4. Time Management.
  5. Library and campus resources
  6. Memory,learning and improving concentration
  7. Taking Lecturer Notes


Based on what I've learned from the last class, there are 3 types of learning style which are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. 

Visual :

  • Visual learners prefer the use of images, maps and graphic organizers to access and understand new information. This kind of people uses their eyes as their main source to understand something whether in class or outside.
Auditory :
  • Auditory learners best understand new content through listening and speaking in situations such as lectures and group discussions. Aural learners use repetition as a study technique and benefit from the use of mnemonic devices.
Kinesthetic :
  • Students who are Kinesthetic learners best understand information through tactile representations of information. These students are hands-on learner and learn  best through figureing things out by hand (examples understanding how a clock works by putting one together.

I personally was a Visual/Auditory learner based on what we did last class, I'm basically used my eyes and ears as my main source to get and understand an information from people and lecturer.

here are some examples of what we did in College Board with our lectures 


  1. Self-Driven - Unlike in school, at University, you're expected to manage your own workload, attendance and management. If you start  to miss classes or assessment, you'll quickly find your grades slipping or worse, you may even fail any test or exam which can also forced you to leave the University.
  2. Good time management - A successful student have an ability to organised their time and schedule which became one of the most crucial ability towards success. These kind of student plans their weeks and semester well in advance to ensure they can attend all the classes that they need to, and also have enough time for researching and working on assessments just like us at UiTM Tapah.
  3. Admitting you don't understand - When you were in class or a college board always, always ask any question of anything that you don't understand to your lecturer. As a student you don't have to be shy if you don't understand any subjects, don't worry being clueless if worse than didn't understand.
  4. Solid reading, writing and analysis skills - whatever subject you study, there's a certain skills that you'll need. The ability to read materials and glean the relevant facts, the ability to write up your findings in a clear and more engaging way such as making a notes and put it on your soft board. This will certainly helps you to find any material way more quickly.


Goals statement contains - Definition of goal, Purpose of goal, Characteristic of effective goal setting.

  • What is goal ? 
Goal is an observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved withing a more or less fixed time frame. Goals tend to be long on direction and short on specific tactics.

  • Characteristic of effective goal
When you setting up your goal, your goal should be S.M.A.R.T, but what is S.M.A.R.T ?

S.M.A.R.T is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Realistic, and Timely

Well defined, clear and unambiguous. To make a goals specific, the five "W" questions must be considered :

  1. Who : who is involved in this goal?
  2. What : what do i want to accomplish?
  3. Where : where is this goal to be achieved?
  4. When : when do i want to achieve this goal?
  5. Why : why do i want to achieve this goal?

Every goals must be measurable so that you can determine your progress and keep you on track to reach your goal. you should ask yourself : how many or much?, how do i know if i have reached my goal?, and what is my indicator of progress ?

Your goal also have to be achievable. First take a break 5 minutes and think about your goal, is it achievable?, can you achieve it? do you have any courage to continue it?.
The achievability of the goal should be stretched to make you feel challenged, but defined well enough that you can actually achieve it

A S.M.A.R.T goal must be realistic in that the goal can be realistically achieved given the available resources and time. If the goal is realistic than it must be achievable. If your goal is not realistic than you should really considered to change your goal before it's too late.

SMART goal must be time-bound in that it has a start and finish date. if the goal is not time constrained, there will be no sense of urgency and motivation to achieve the goal. ask yourself.


We have learned about time management in week 2 of interim weeks. This part is really crucial if you want to be successful.

So what is time ?

Time is the part of existence that is measured in minutes, days years and etc.


A process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities or education. A good time management enables an individual to complete more in shorter period of time that can lower your stress and leads to career success.

Here are some benefits of time management.
  • Stress relief

As you check off items on your to do list, you can see that you're making tangible progress. This will helps you to avoid feeling stressed out with worry about whether you're getting things done.
  • More time 

When you managed your time successfully, you'll have an extra time to spend in your daily life. People who can time manage effectively.
  • More opportunities

Managing time well leads to much higher opportunities and less time wasted on trivial activities. Good time management skills are key qualities that employers look for.

Here's a fixed-commitment calendar for managing your time : 

I've already arranged my time and balanced out between studies, classes and doing other activities.


There's 4 types of planning which is :
  1. Daily planning 
  2. Weekly planning
  3. Semester planning
  4. The whole course planning
In daily planning, as a successful don't ever failed any subject because it will impacted everyone not only you. when you failed one subject lecturer had to arrange their schedule so that you can keep up in class that will make more trouble toward lecturer and your classmate. Plus you'll have to pay an extra fee when you repeat a subjects or worse getting kicked out from the university.

Set a priority for subject

There's 3 priority you will need to focus on which is HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW priority.
Here's the example of prioritized task schedule. This also related to 5 "W" that I've already covered.

Job task analysis

Another to manage your time is by doing job task analysis but what is the purpose job task analysis?

Job task analysis is to analyze some particular action in depth, so that you can effectively finish your work without any problems. It is crucial for a student to do job task analysis so you can analyze what you're doing.

Here are the example of job task analysis schedule :

Monitoring Study Time

Every weeks you should measure out your study time to see your progression.

Are you keeping up with your reading?
Have you been reviewing your lecture notes on a daily basis?
are you doing your minor assignments?

All of the question above is the one you should prioritize. So to keep up all of those thing, you should use a chart so that you can monitor your study time such as this :


First what is procrastination ?
Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences.

  • Take the smallest step as possible
When you feel down, take a smallest step as possible toward your goal. This will gradually helps you to prevent any stress or other health problems. It is also helps your brain to slowly getting more and more alert when you're doing some work.
  • Be kind to yourself.
It's normal to make any mistake, we're all human after all, just forgive yourself. If you have the tendency to label yourself a procrastination, make your first effort one to drop the name calling. For whatever experience has been whether it's good or bad, refocus on what yo're doing 5% more than previous so you'll have more chance of success toward your goal. 

  • Understand the underlying reason you're procrastination.
Become a "Sherlock Holmes" or detective about  your pattern of procrastination by noticing your thoughts, feelings and behavior of the situation when you feel like procrastination. Write this down and put it to your soft board so that you will remember it.
  • Shut off your phone and set a timer.
Now this is the huge problem in this new generation, I mean like it's 2019! right?. People in 2019 can't be quiet of their social media like Instagram, Twitter and Whatsapp. As a student you should reduce your time by doing all of these thing, just stop it ain't healthy for you. Shutting off your phone and setting up a timer will improve your brain to always focus and on point.

  • Get a good and helpful partner.
We all know that when we want to accomplish something we won't ask someone to do it for you. But sometimes you need to ask someone help and make sure to let that person know you will do the same for them.

  • Give yourself a reward for each task you complete.
I know doing homework or assignment is boring, but you need to creative and make it more interesting. Write a to do list and after all of that is finish, give yourself a treat such as playing games, food, or watching movies. This will make your brain more focus on doing something to achieve what you like.
  • Schedule procrastination time in your day.
If your are a serial procrastination, own it. Schedule non-working time into your day so that you allow time for cleaning up your desk, taking a walk or whatever else it is that keeps you from your work. Having this time blocked in your calendar may eliminate the guilt associated with procrastination.
  • Set a few daily non-negotiable.
When you feel like not completing any task, This is where creating daily non-negotiable comes into play. When you committed to doing something you'll have no problem to doing it because you have already committed to it.

  • Identify a positive outcome from your action.
When you're doing something, you should think of rewards or a positive outcome that you'll get when finishing those work. Be very selective about what let into your experience and surround yourself with to keep your energy as clean as possible to achieve the goals you want.
  • Give yourself a hard deadline, The schedule it.
The best ways to overcome a natural tendency to procrastinate is to create a hard deadline for yourself and then slap it to your calendar. It will surely complete any task way easier. But make sure treat your deadline as if your lecturer gave it to you.


PERPUSTAKAAN TUN ABDUL RAZAK or also known as PTAR is the main library of UiTM Tapah. Student can get access to such variety of books or information such as question paper or information for an assignment
UiTM Tapah conducted a guided tour for an interim student like us so the new student can get to know the places that the library provided for their students. We've been guided by one of the Ptar staff member and he told us many new things and features that are
available in PTAR.

Here are the services that PTAR provided us
1. Borrowing & circulation
2. Inter library loan
3. Book delivery services
4. Research support
5. University archives
6. Institutional repositories

Like i said PTAR provided us an information but the question is what kind of format of information

1. Diaries
2. Letters
3. Speeches
4. Patents
5. Photographs
6. Newspaper articles
7. Journal articles
8. Thee and dissertations
9. Survey research
10. Proceedings of meeting conferences and Symposia
11. Original documents
12. Records of organization

1. Internet
2. Email communication
3. Interview
4. Video recording
5. Websites
6. Communication through social networking

1. Artifact
2. Work of art, architecture, literature, and music

PTAR also provide many features for students, here are quick tour of the features

-In level 1

  • Student can use locker to store their valuable belongings such as bag,laptop's bag and other valuable things.
  • there's also a 24 hours room for student that wanted a quite place to study until midnight. If you're that kind of student who always stay late in night to study any subject, this place will be a heaven for you.
  • We also got a computer lab for those student who doesn't have their own laptop. They can use this computer to do some assignment with a decent speed internet so you can do your work as smooth as butter.
  • For Muslim, they provided a place so that you do prayer when you're at the library so you don't have to walk far away to finish your prayer.
  • we also got a high tech machine such as self check machine.
  • Finally we got a book drop so that student who borrowed a book can just drop it down the machine to return it without going to the main counter or finding the library staff.
-In level 2
  • PTAR provided us a audiovisual room, so you can study all by yourself without any distraction from noises.
-In level 3
  • There's a discussion room for a group of student so can discuss about their assignment and task that lecturer gave them
  • Learning common


Before I talk about memory, what is actually memory? well I'm not talking about computer's memory, I'm talking about human memory. Human memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall any information whether from present or past based on experience in the human brain.

Memory Strategies

Basically human brain are not perfect, we all loses our memory when our age gets more and more higher but there's some tips on how to improve your memory so it can last a little bit longer. Here are those tips on how to improve memory:
  • Associations 
Each word of a person, place, thing, feeling or situation can be connected by using the power of your imagination. This can help you to remember something for much longer before you forgets it.
  • Acronyms/Catchwords
Have you ever asked yourself why do companies or people uses an acronym on their name. No, they didn't do that just for fun, it's actually helps people to remember the names or something that is very long for examples, M.A.S for Malaysian Airline system, UiTM for Universiti Teknologi MARA, and kids these day said IDK for i don't know.
  • Acrostic/catchphrases
Acrostic is a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which letters in each line form a word or words for example, 
Sunshine warming my toes,
Underwater fun with my friends.
Making homemade ice cream on the porch,
Many long nights catching fireflies.
Early morning walks to the creek,
Reveling in the freedom of lazy days.

Catchphrases i a well-known sentence or phrase, especially one that is associated with a particular famous person. For examples, carnivores as a flesh eaters and herbivores as a vegetarians

  • Imaginary
Use your powerful brain to visualize an image of the information that you need to memorize for a long time. This will surely helps especially for the boys because male got higher imagination level than female.

(Inspired by Study skills UED102 University Teknologi Mara)

Massed practice vs Spaced practice 

Here's are 8 memory strategies so that we can memorize something for longer period of time.

  • Chunking
It is easier to memorize information when you break it into a small chunks just like how browser in computer used. for examples phone number instead of writing it in a straight line, why not separate them into a pieces such as 044 566 7759
  • Understanding
Before you memorize something, first you need to understand the information so it is easier for you to memorize it. You can ask or do some research of the information before you start to memorize it.
  • Graphic Organizer
You can also design a web or a mind map of something that you need to remember so it is easier for you to find your point of the information.
  • Visualization
Visual learner can make use of this effectively by visualize something that you want to remember. Let's say the topic is about water cycle. You can create a mental image of a cloud. 
  • Association
Another memory strategies is to connect each of your word with a person, place or any situation so that you may connect the thing that you're trying to learn with someone you know.

  • Rhyming
If you're good at rapping, you may want to hear this out. Rhyming a word that you want to remember is a great strategies for you to remember something quicker and effectively.
  • Talking
You may ask yourself, Why talking is a good option to remember something. It's a fact that you can remember something for a longer period of time by telling your friends if you have one, parents, Grandpa, Grandma or your cat.
  • Storytelling
If you're someone that love story or movie, you can write a story that are focusing on what you're trying to remember.

Here's the activities that we did in week 3 :

Concentration Strategies

What is concentration?

-Concentration is basically a human power to focus on a certain situation or things. For a student it is hard to concentrate on multiple subjects that lead to problems like depression.

Causes of poor concentration?

There are many causes of poor concentration but here are the main reason why people lose their concentration easily :

  1. Lack of attention.
    - Lacking of concentration is really bad, usually this problem occurred because lack of sleep. This is usually because of studying lately.
  2. Lack of interest.
    - When you join or accept any courses, you need to know and ask yourself, did you like the course?, did you know about the course?. This way you will have an interest to learn it before you get bored cause of lacking interest.
  3. Uncomfortable environment.
    - This usually happened when a student outside of the other state came to a different state/university. They will have unfamiliar environment that made them uncomfortable to get used of it, such as dialect of people speaking or food and attitude.
  4. Distraction of others.
    - If you have an annoying friend, you should stop him/her. Tell them to not distract you while you're doing your work.
  5. Physiological matters, worries, anxieties.
    - Anxiety is a normal and often health emotion for a teenager between 18 to 20. When a person regularly feels disproportionate level of anxiety, it will become a medical disorder. This will interrupt your concentration very badly.
  6. Physiological matters, illness, tiredness.
    -When you were sick, your level concentration will decreased rapidly, so be sure that you check your health regularly.
  7. Lack of motivational.
    - This is why U1TM did a Talent Corp. so you can identify your level of motivational in your body.
Concentration Strategies


-Make a timetable. If you have a long night of studying ahead of you. You should plan your day and organize your time so your brain can recharge so that you can concentrate in class.

-Set aside time to worry about other thing. You should concentrate more on your studies than other thing so you can give 100 and 10 percent of your concentration.

-Switch up how your learn. For example if you read 10 pages of book for today, you should read 20 pages for the next day so your brain are ready for the next step.

-Creating an environment for proper concentration. Choose a quite place such as library when you try to study. This way you can focus on a certain thing.

-Making concentration easier. Go get enough sleep before you start your day and always wake up early such as 6 a:m so that your brain can get an early start up before starting your day.

- Use technology to your advantage. Especially if you're type of student who loved to listen to a music. While you're studying try to listen to a music.

Concentration chart

Concentration chart is a graphical chart that represent how focus you're to a certain subject so you can determine which subject is your main priority to concentrate.

For example :

Reading Text

Reading & Study system (SQ3R)

What is SQ3R?

 -SQ3R is basically refer to SurveyQuestionReadRecite, and Review. This method were introduced by an American education philosopher names Francis P. Robinson in his book 1946 effective study.

  1. Survey
    Survey is the first step of this method, Instead of reading a book to study, why don't you survey every single chapter first for at least 2 or 3 minutes before going through all of them. This way you can identify every single point that topic were talking about so you didn't missed something important.
  2. Question
    While in class, always remember to ask a question of the topic that you didn't understand to your lecturer. This are the main weapon for a successful student, don't be afraid if your question are wrong, we're all human after all.
  3. Read
    Studying without reading is basically like talking without thinking, without an information you cannot relate something to other thing because you basically didn't know what you're talking about. Read as much information as you can so you can get more knowledge out of it to help you study easier.
  4. Recite
    The second "R" is refer to recite. The student should try to retrieve from memory what was learned in the same manner as telling someone else about the information.
  5. Review
    And the final "R" is review, after you've finished your studies you should review everything back so you can make the conclusion of the topic using your own word. This will tell that you know what you learning and talking about.
Use SQ3R to fully understand an article or a text so you'll get more information from it.


Notes Taking Strategies.

First why would you want to take lecture notes? here are the reason why

  1. You can promote yourself into an active listening.
  2. It will provides you to an accurate record of information.
  3. You will have a chance to provides an opportunity to interpret, condense and organize information.
  4. And finally it will provides an opportunity for repetition of the material.
But the question is how to take a lecture notes. The simple and a quick way to take lecture notes is by 5R method or also know as Cornell method.

    Always remember to record whether write it on your note book or record it with your phone of a meaningful facts and ideas.
    After you took the notes, try to reduce it by only taking small and an important point so you can reduce the words.
    The words, facts, ideas that you have reduced, you should try to convert it into your own understandable words to help you understand it more clearer.
    Read those words so you turn it int a long term memory.
    Take 5 to 20 minutes of your precious sleeping time to review after class so that you can save your time for other more important things. 

Note taking using Cornell method


By using Cornell method you can organize to notes to it's right position so you can see more clearer which one is the question and which one is the answer.


 What is plagiarism?
  - plagiarism is turning someone else's work as your own by copying words or ideas from someone else without giving any credit. If you fail to put a quotation in quotation marks, giving incorrect information about the source, changing the word but still use the sentence structure or copying word and ideas and made it as your own work is also count as plagiarism.

How to prevent plagiarism?


- Cite sources

- Make it clear said the information

- Be sure to know how to paraphrase

- Evaluate your sources

- Include a reference page

In conclusion be sure to always be honest to yourself and don't ever copy someone's work and claim it as your's work, at least give those guys some credit for their hard work and effort of making things.

GPA Worksheet

What is GPA?

GPA or Grade Point Average is a grading system in education measure varying level of achievement in a course.

How to calculate GRADE POINT AVERAGE or GPA


For example :

Here the activity that we did with our lecturer Sir Zaaba :
That's it for my portfolio,

References :
